Ptosis Treatment in Phoenix, AZ
What is Ptosis?
It is a drooping or falling of the upper eyelid. The lid may droop only slightly, or it may cover the pupil entirely. Some patients with ptosis may have difficulty keeping their eyelids fully open and then the ptosis can restrict and even block normal vision. Some patients may arch and raise their eyebrows to compensate and elevate the droopy eyelids. The drooping may be worse after being awake longer, when muscles are tired. Ptosis may interfere with vision or if can be a concern due to appearance.
Dr. Lisa Mihora has over 15 years of experience providing treatment for ptosis in Phoenix, AZ. Dr. Mihora sees patients from Sun City West, Surprise, Peoria, Glendale, and throughout the West Valley. See before and after photos from real patients of Dr. Mihora and call our eye clinic in Phoenix at (623) 522-8687 to schedule your appointment today!
What Causes Ptosis?
There are many causes, including age related weakening of the muscle, trauma, and congenital weakness. The most common kind of ptsois occurs because as we all age, the tendon that attaches the levator muscle that lifts the eyelid can stretch and cause the eyelid to drop. Ptosis may also occur following routine cataract surgery due to stretching of the muscle or tendon. Children can be born with ptosis.
What are Treatments for Ptosis?
There are several treatments available for eyelid ptosis, including:
- Eyeglasses or contact lenses: These can help to lift the eyelid and improve vision in mild cases of ptosis.
- Eyelid lifting exercises: These can help to strengthen the muscles in the eyelid and improve its position.
- Medications: Certain medications, such as cholinergic agents, can be used to help strengthen the muscles in the eyelid.
- Eye patches: Wearing an eye patch over the affected eyelid can help to lift the eyelid and improve vision.
- Eyelid surgery: This is the most common treatment for eyelid ptosis and involves surgically repositioning the eyelid to its normal position.
Dr. Mihora can correct ptosis surgically and usually involves tightening the levator muscle to elevate the eyelid through either an incision in the eyelid crease or the undersurface of the eyelid. In severe ptosis, when the levator muscle is very weak, a “sling” operation may be performed, enabling the forehead muscles to elevate the eyelid(s). Dr. Mihora will perform testing to determine the best form of correction for you. The goal is to elevate the eyelid to permit a full field of vision and to achieve symmetry with the opposite upper eyelid. The surgery is done with IV sedation and local anesthetic as an outpatient procedure. Patients return in about a week to remove sutures. Most patients can return to relatively normal activities within about a week.
The risks and benefits of eyelid surgery will depend on the specific case and should be discussed with a qualified ophthalmologist or plastic surgeon. In general, the risks of eyelid surgery include bleeding, infection, scarring, and a reaction to the anesthesia. The benefits of the surgery include improved vision and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Schedule Your Ptosis Consultation Today
Dr. Mihora looks forward to meeting with you to discuss your individual needs, as well as the benefits and risks of surgery in order to help make the right decision for you. Call Oculoplastic Eye Surgeons of Phoenix at (623) 522-8687 to schedule your appointment today!
Before & After Photos